I Have David Letterman’s Business Card

David LettermanJust like the many punchlines from late night talk show host David Letterman, the joke is on you. I’m not sure what the famous Letterman would have to say, but I doubt he works with wing sauces and marinade.

Although, I could picture him taking it up upon his retirement from show business. Or at least late night talk TV. But I digress.

I have a few memories of David Letterman including the infamous segment where Jerry “The King” Lawler slapped Andy Kaufman and his “appearance” on Celebrity Deathmatch when he fought Jay Leno to the death in claymation form.

If you’re not into sort of thing, sorry to waste 4 minutes of your life. If you’re disappointed that you didn’t see someone’s business card from late night, here’s Ed McMahon’s.

Ed McMahon

Well, maybe that’s not his EXACT business card, but it has his face on it and his company’s address. That should be enough to fulfill you for one day.

If not, here are a few more cool business cards I’ve gotten recently.

Bacon JamsMax SeibertRoger Chang

ASL Bible LessonsOh, and can you believe I found ANOTHER business card for someone who teaches the Bible through ASL? I blogged about it thinking that nobody else did it. Unless it’s the same person with 2 different email addresses.

Business Card Count: 30,458

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