My Memories of My Trip to Paris

This past Friday, the city of Paris fell victim to terror attacks. My thoughts go out to all who were personally affected by any of these attacks.

Seeing all of the negativity about the attacks and America’s response to it on Facebook baffles me. I’ve been to Paris before and it’s a wonderful city. With that being said, I wanted to talk a little bit about my (probably) once-in-a-lifetime trip to Paris when I was studying abroad.

Hotel Liege StrasbourgThe year was 2005 and it was in October when I got a 10-day break in between my internship/classes. A lot of the other students I met planned to travel, so I did the same. One of the destinations I wanted to see was Paris.

I wound up staying at Hotel Liege Strasbourg since it was affordable and pretty close to the center of the city. I shockingly even watched a little wrestling (which was months old) when I came back from being out at night.

I experienced much of Paris when I went:

  • My first taste of escargot: of course, I had to have a French staple when I was there… I tasted a lot of other food as well
  • Going to the Louvre: I’m a big art fan and seeing a lot of these historical art pieces (some thousands of years old) was amazing. Not as amazing as the huge line at the Mona Lisa, where it was about 50 feet away and you couldn’t take a good look or take a picture
  • Climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower: another tourist attraction, but the view from up there was amazing
  • Seeing other historic landmarks: I saw Arc de Triomphe, Pont de Grenelle (a smaller version of the US’s Statue of Liberty that was a gift from the French) & others as I took a boat ride on the Siene
  • The Metro: the Paris subway system was quite dirty as I was told… not like the Berlin song at all

It was the first city outside of London that I saw during my time studying in Europe. It was a beautiful city overall and I didn’t run into the rudeness that Americans usually associate with France.

I got other business cards during my time in Paris, but I don’t feel like looking through my collection to retrieve them. Maybe later.

Business Card Count: 31,167

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